What do you want your birth to be like?
My goal is to enable women to have the birthing experience they envision. In order to do that, I will help you prepare for birth and offer continuous support during and after your birth, however long it will take and wherever you decide to give birth.
The birth of your child is a moment you will never forget. It has a huge impact on both the baby and it’s parents. It’s a beautiful yet vulnerable time in your lives which is why it is so important to feel cared for and supported on this marvelous journey.
About me
My name is Fleur and I’m a mother to two girls and a boy. I’m passionate about all things birth reveals. I decided to become a doula after having a doula present for my second and third birth. Their presence completely changed my perspective on birth and made me look back on my second and third birth with a great sense of accomplishment and joy.
The trauma
After a traumatic birth that ended in an emergency c-section with my first daughter in 2014 where our midwife had another birth at the same time, and was only with us for a short time before rushing off to another birth. I missed having someone by my side to support me no matter where I would birth and no matter how long it would take.
The healing
Thats why we decided to have a doula present for the birth of our second daughter in 2016. I felt very strongly I could have a vaginal birth after my c-section (vbac), and decided this was what I was going to prepare myself for. We had Joyce Pula-Hoek at our second birth and it was such a magical and wonderful experience. I had the peaceful, hands-off water birth (in the hospital) I had envisioned. I am so grateful to have had a doula present to help empower me and make me feel heard and supported (physically and mentally) throughout the birth.
It was during this birth I realised I wanted to help other women feel supported and loved during this beautiful yet vulnerable journey or pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
The joy
I had my third baby in 2021, at home, in a birthing pool with another doula present. It was an amazing and enjoyable experience. While in labor I said I hope it doesn’t go too fast because I don’t want the magic of this birth to be over. Our son was born in the presence of our eldest daughter in our living room surrounded by love and warmth.