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Met veel plezier geef ik al jaren begeleiding en ondersteuning aan zwangere en partners Het is mooi om te zien hoe aanstaande ouders in de zwangerschap zich samen voorbereiden en geleidelijk toe groeien vol vertrouwen naar de bevalling en geboorte van hun kindje. 

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Ik ben Hathayoga, zwangerschapsyoga, kinderyoga, babymassagedocent en mindful trainer. Ik geniet er enorm van om met zwangere te werken en deze doelgroep te mogen ondersteunen tijdens een van de mooiste reizen van hun leven.


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Mother of 3 children, Life science and health researcher as well as naturopath. She integrates herbalism and Indigenous wisdom for healing and creative purposes. She holds a sacred space to guide women to embrace their feminine wisdom and the transforming power of becoming a mother. 

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Catarina’s goal is to help people move and breathe in the way that best serves them and their individual physiology. Her teaching style is intuitive and integrative, influenced by Catarina’s teacher training in Qi Qong and Breathing Meditation, and her practice in Feldenkrais and Body-Mind Centering.

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Dance, music, gymnastics have been part of my life since very early age. Right after getting my Master in Architecture and starting to work in 2008 I gave way to my unconscious inner desire to find fulfilment in movement and connection. I went to the Fitness Academy and became a Sport Instructor and Pilates Teacher. 

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My goal is to enable women to have the birthing experience they envision. In order to do that, I will help you prepare for birth and offer continuous support during and after your birth, however long it will take and wherever you decide to give birth. 

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